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Feel Better Than Good

I am passionate about teaching my clients to make long term lifestyle change.  My method of creating custom plans for each individual’s needs is the foundation of my programs.

The Programs


Do you need to reset your system and get a fresh perspective on good clean eating?

12 Day Program with friends

Whole foods plan, no starving or deprivation

Twice daily herbal support for the bodies primary detox organs for renewed vitality

Custom plan based in intake and assessment taking into account each individual’s goals

3 private consults over 12 days

Meal planning and preparation tips

Lifestyle Nutrition

Are you looking for a set of new lifestyle habits designed to meet your preferences and goals?

Detailed assessment to ascertain your body’s needs

Custom plans working with variables like meal timing and nutrient balance throughout the day

Addressing fat loss, muscle gain, athletic performance, or aiding the bodies healing process

4 private consults over 3-4 weeks

Meal planning and preparation tips

Katie's approach is tailored to each individual and is holistic in nature. She first sought to understand my goals, what I was willing to do (or not do), and also learned and gathered data on MY body (and history) that allowed her to put together a custom nutrition plan that went beyond just the 12 day program.

Jen Bortel

Her plans work. Period. If you follow her advice, continue coaching with her through the hard times, and allow her to support you mentally and physically- you WILL achieve the goals you are ready to meet...and your life just might change forever.

Sara Obrien