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Core Restore

Flatten your belly

Core Restore is a progressive 3 level approach to strengthening weak abdominal tissues by addressing the multiple contributing factors including alignment and nutrition. Over the course of 9 weeks you will learn the tools you need to get results and feel good in your own skin. Learn about Abdominal Dysfunction Syndrome.

Do You...

Wear larger clothing to hide your stomach?

Core restore clients regularly lose inches within the first two weeks.

Feel more and more bloated throughout the day?

Inflammation from foods, and the tools to deal with gut health, are addressed in week three.

Avoid jumping and running?

We begin tackling this on week one. You will know how to make sure those muscles are doing their job.

Feel confused about what is safe to do and not do during exercise?

You will become educated through level 1, 2, and 3 exercises to know how to move forward.

Have a constant backache or neck pain?

We will work on alignment from head to toe and address some of the root causes of your back and neck pain in lesson one.

Have diastasis recti?

We address the root causes of diastasis recti through total body alignment, inflammation reduction, and moving well all day.

Feel unstable when keeping up with your kids?

By the time we get to level three exercises you will have a newfound confidence and strength.

Do you have shoulder or knee pain?

These hinging joints are directly affected by the core strength and posture.

Do you have Abdominal Dysfunction Syndrome?

Lack of core strength is not just about needing to do more crunches and planks. Its true origin is a lack of total body synergy and misalignment from head to toe.  The good news is that the right exercises can restore your core as well as the upper and lower body posture that contributes to the problem.

Core Restore Program Details


Three progressive levels of exercise gradually improve strength and alignment each week.


30 minutes of one-on-one consult time with Katie to answer specific personalized questions.


Understanding how to eat to reduce inflammation and learn valuable tools to plan and prepare for success.


Instructional videos included at every level to fully understand each exercise and its purpose.


A community of like-minded friends who encourage your progress as you do the same for them.

Over $700.00 of materials and services for $180

My Core Restore Story

I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a body that does not feel like it’s my own. I know what it’s like to want to do more than sit on the sidelines because of weakness and pain.

I have loved Core Restore. I knew something in my body was off and had been in a process of healing for a long time. I've seen others have an abdominal tear after pregnancy, and for some reason that stuck with me and I felt like I needed something more than my typical workout routine to continue healing my body and try to prevent a tear before trying to get pregnant one day. I could visibly see results and feel change happening early on in the program. It has helped to tighten and strengthen my core, decrease muscle tension, and decrease inflammation/bloating, just halfway through the program! Katie has a wealth of expertise and it is a great benefit to learn nutrition and exercise tips throughout her program. I am grateful for the long term benefits Katie/Core Restore is providing for my overall wellness, and am confident that it is helping me to prevent other health issues down the road.

Sarah Trabant

I appreciate that Katie really explains the why behind the moves we are doing, especially since these are not your “traditional” set of ab moves, at least not for me! I could tell within the first few weeks that what I was doing was working, no more peeing when I sneeze, YAY!!! After the core restore, I feel stronger and like I have the tools I need to continue my progress.

Dana Forde

Ready to Restore Your Core?

Purchase today for $180