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Do you need to reset your system and get a fresh perspective on good clean eating?

Twice daily herbal support for the bodies primary detox organs for renewed vitality
Custom plan based in intake and assessment taking into account each individuals goals
This is a whole foods plan, no starving or deprivation. Includes Meal planning and preparation tips

We use two products to support your primary detox organs, a whole foods-based plant protein powder by Garden of Life, and the 12- day Herbal Detox kit by Garden of Life. This cleanse is very gentle and nourishing. The results and referrals to this program speak for themselves!

Frequently asked questions

Will I lose weight?

On this the program the average female loses 4-6lbs, and the average male loses 6-9lbs.

Should I shop before the meeting?

You can! You need:

  • Organic lemons
  • Organic beef or chicken broth-(you can make it too) this is a key part of gut healing and digestive support.
  • Organic veggies-(ex) green beans, lettuces, asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli
  • Organic/free range/meats-wild-caught fish, chicken, beef, lamb, bison
  • Fats/Nuts/Oils-walnuts, pecans, avocado, hummus, coconut oil

Don’t go crazy you will get more details at the meeting!

What do I eat?

Really good simple food and one daily meal replacement smoothie. You will learn good eating and food preparation tips to help you maintain your results and change your habits going forward. This is a starting point for learning how to eat for your body.

What about the party or event I have during that time?

If you have real life happening during the cleanse, that’s great. You will get some guidelines and helpful tools to help you navigate learning to live clean and still live. Most people think that perfection is the only way to be healthy, but there is an art to being perfectly imperfect.

Will I feel sick or need to take off work?

Honestly, you may feel the best you ever have, but some have moments were their body is working hard to release the yuck. Treat yourself as best you can, like you would if you were about to get a cold. Extra rest, more fluids, and quiet time are very helpful.

What do I do after it’s over!?

You can keep coaching with me and working towards a goal, or schedule a re-check at intervals that make sense for you personally. You will learn so much and will be on a great path!


One more thing- it’s called #friendcleanse because it more fun when you invite a friend. In all my years coaching changes are better with a friend! It’s the secret ingredient of success.


Group rate (3+)


Partner rate


Individual rate


Includes 3 private consults over 12 days. If you are long distance you will order you own product and take $50 off each rate.