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Abdominal Dysfunction Syndrome

Abdominal Dysfunction Syndrome

Symptoms include:

  • neck pain and stiffness
  • low back pain and stiffness
  • urinary incontinence
  • distended abdomen
  • anterior shoulder pain
  • anterior medial knee pain
  • sacraliliac instability and pain
  • sciatica
  • diastasis recti

ADS Defined:

An inability of the abdominal muscles to operate functionally. This includes both (1) the dysfunction of synergistic firing between all the muscles of the body core contributing to (2) a lack of strength and mobility in the extremities of the body leading to pain and negative symptoms.

Core Restore:

My mission is to teach you that strengthening your CORE is so much more than dealing with “ab issues.” This requires us to take a holistic approach by addressing the lack of synergy between your upper and lower body to get results that last.

This program addresses common misalignments that contribute to back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain. All of those issues are connected to your core. Additionally, we will be building glute strength, releasing hip tension, strengthening the pelvic floor, activating all the core muscles effectively, while reducing internal abdominal inflammation through nutrition.